Officers Academy

While 2021 came with a plethora of challenges, it also brought myriad of opportunities. JCI Menzel Bourguiba takes advantage of every opportunity to draw closer ,learn, take action so that we keep getting better and better. Remarkably, a year that has necessarily
kept people apart has, in many ways, brought us closer. On 12th,February, 2021, the
Officers Academy was held.. The zonal event was organized by Zone B and piloted by the
Junior Chamber International of Menzel Bourguiba and took place online via zoom during
three days. These three days included 11 trainings delivered by 12 extraordinary coaches
who blessed us with their experiences, knowledge and wisdom that must left a
memorable impact, gave our warriors a push and equipped them with the tools which will
make our JCI ambassadors able to carve their way to the top. The officers academy was a
good opportunity that could have a huge impact on your professional path. Our family
was honoured to invite you dear leaders to the latest edition of the Academy of Officers,
an edition that you have never seen like elsewhere. Through the academy, we aimed to
empower you dear warriors to learn myriad of skills needed to be exemplary young
active citizens, create impact on your local communities and prepare you to your new
responsibilities. Because presidents need to learn the methods by which they take stock
of their team members, deal with the challenges and situations that they will face and
mostly learn how to lead their ship to the safe shore. The goal was to acquire new
knowledge, benefit from enriching coaching sessions and training workshops with
professional trainers, meet the different local organization members of zone B and get
advantage of the networking experience that the academy will offer. The president cannot
lead the ship without the assistance and support of the the past president,VPs, advisers
and members. For this reason, this year we had enriching trainings delivered by
extraordinary coaches who played an integral part in providing us with the tools that will
make us standout at our missions. Bacem Majdoub will deliver “Situational Leadership”
training session for presidents Moussa Farah: Outils de suivi et évaluation Wiem Soltani :
Création de continu Walid Cherif : Législation financière et association Wajdi Othmeni :
Networking Mohamed Ashi : Profiling Hamdi Kechida: Sponsoring Donnia Faddaoui et
Sara Lajnef: SEO+ gestion des réseaux sociaux Aymen Lourimi : Rôle des past présidents
Moncef Barouni : Synergie entre les membres de bureau local Mohamed Hatem Hassine:
JCI path for member.